United Supermarkets set to host clinic for booster and initial doses of COVID-19 vaccines

LUBBOCK, Texas — United Supermarkets will host the first of a series of COVID-19 booster shot clinics on Saturday, November 6 at the United Supermarkets located on the corner of 4th Street and Milwaukee Avenue. Running from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the clinic take place on the store’s patio.

While the clinic is designed to help guests receive their booster shots, also referred to as an “additional dose,” guests wishing to receive their initial doses of a COVID-19 vaccine may also attend. Johnson & Johnson and Moderna will be available for anyone ages 18 and up. The Pfizer vaccine will be available for anyone ages 12 and up.

For Moderna/Pfizer, boosters are available if a guest received their primary series six or more months ago. For J&J, a guest must have received their primary dose two or more months ago. Guests must also be 18 or older and have their COVID vaccine card to receive a booster shot.

To schedule an appointment at this clinic, guests can use the scheduler link below. Once the type of dose is selected, guests will need to either enter zip code 79416 to select store 552 or manually choose the store after entering their own zip code. Guests can also call 866-277-2843 to schedule an appointment.

Link: https://unitedfamilysched.reportsonline.com/ufsched/program/Immunizations/Patient/Advisory

While the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is approved for children ages 5 to 11, the pharmacy team will not do pediatric immunizations at this mass clinic. However, guests seeking to vaccinate their children in this age range will soon see options for “pediatric doses” on the scheduler at certain locations.

More clinics for booster doses as well as initial doses will be announced soon for the months of November and December.

To find more information about immunizations or appointments, please refer to our website. For the latest information on the COVID-19 vaccines including vaccine eligibility requirements, please refer to the CDC’s website.

Media Contacts:

Nancy Sharp                                                                                    Joey Marcades

Corporate Engagement Director                                                  Communications Coordinator

O: 806.791.7463                                                                              O: 806.791.8196

C: 806.786.1363                                                                               C: 806.281.8078

nsharp@unitedtexas.com                                                              jmarcades@unitedtexas.com  


About The United Family®

In its 105th year of operation, United Supermarkets, LLC – d.b.a. The United Family® – is a Texas-based grocery chain with stores in 54 communities in Texas and New Mexico. A self-distributing company with headquarters and distribution centers in Lubbock, The United Family currently operates 94 stores under five unique banners: United Supermarkets, Market Street, Amigos, Albertsons Market and United Express, along with ancillary operations R.C. Taylor, Praters and Llano Logistics. The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Albertson’s LLC. For more information, please visit www.theunitedfamily.com.

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