The United Family will open drive-thru flu shot clinics for the first time ever


LUBBOCK, Texas — Beginning Sept. 1, the United Family will launch drive-thru flu shot clinics at 18 locations across the company to create the safest and most convenient way to get a flu shot yet.

The drive-thru clinics will be located in the parking lots of designated stores. Upon arrival, a pharmacy team member wearing personal protective equipment will assist guests with a consent form as well as collect their health insurance information.

Tim Purser, the director of pharmacy for the United Family, says this option will give guests not only convenience unlike anything the United Family has been able to offer in the past, but it will also add an increased level of safety as communities continue to deal with the impact of COVID-19.

“We are really excited to start this program for our guests,” Purser said. “With the CDC anticipating this to be one of the busiest flu shot seasons on record, this offering of drive-thru vaccines will give us the ability to serve as many people as possible in a safe and efficient way.”Here are some things to remember when coming to the drive-thru clinics:

  • Bring both your prescription and medical insurance cards with you
  • Wear clothing that provides easy access to your upper arm
  • If possible bring a completed consent form with you
  • CDC recommends waiting 15 minutes after receiving an immunization. Feel free to wait in a designated parking place then enjoy the rest of your day

For more information about the upcoming flu season, please visit the CDC’s website. For more information on drive-thru clinic locations and hours visit the websites for United Supermarkets, Market Street and Albertsons Market.

Media Contacts:

Nancy Sharp, Communications & Community Relations Manager
O: 806.791.7463
C: 806.786.1363

Joey Marcades, Communications Coordinator
O: 806.791.8196
C: 806.281.8078

About The United Family®

In its 104th year of operation, United Supermarkets, LLC – d.b.a. The United Family® – is a Texas-based grocery chain with stores in 53 communities in Texas and New Mexico. A self-distributing company with headquarters and their distribution center in Lubbock, The United Family currently operates 94 stores under five unique banners: United Supermarkets, Market Street, Amigos, Albertsons Market and United Express, along with ancillary operations R.C. Taylor Distributing, Praters and Llano Logistics. The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Albertson’s LLC. For more information, please visit

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