The United Family kicks off annual School Supply Fundraiser alongside school district officials

LUBBOCK, Texas — From July 19 to August 1, The United Family will again partner with Lubbock-area school districts to host a school supply fundraiser for local students in need.

Just like in recent years, guests are encouraged to donate at the register instead of purchasing physical school supplies for donation barrels. This process will allow guests to donate any amount at the register when purchasing groceries at any United Supermarkets, Market Street, or Amigos location.

“We are so proud to once again partner with our surrounding school districts to help raise money for school supplies,” said Sidney Hopper, president of The United Family. “While new school supplies can contribute to the excitement of a new school year, they can also be a point of financial stress for many families. The money we raise will help ensure each benefiting child is offered equal opportunity for success in the classroom this school year.”

The United Family kicked off the fundraiser by providing the superintendents from each participating school district with a gift card for $150 to get a head start on the school supplies shopping for the students in their district.

School districts benefiting from the supply drive will include Lubbock ISD, Lubbock-Cooper ISD, Frenship ISD, Roosevelt ISD, Slaton ISD, and Shallowater ISD. School district personnel will use the donated funds to purchase supplies and distribute them to their students with the greatest need.


Media Contacts:

Joey Marcades                                                                             Abie Rampy

Communications Manager                                                            Director of Public Relations

C: 806.281.8078                                                                              C: 806.438.1194

O: 806.791.8196                                                                              O: 806.791.7485                                             

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About The United Family®

In its 107th year of operation, United Supermarkets, LLC – d.b.a. The United Family® – is a Texas-based grocery chain with stores in 54 communities in Texas and New Mexico. A self-distributing company with headquarters and distribution centers in Lubbock, The United Family currently operates 96 stores under five unique banners: United Supermarkets, Market Street, Amigos, Albertsons Market and United Express, along with ancillary operations R.C. Taylor Distributing, USM Manufacturing, United Food and Beverage Services and Llano Logistics. The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Albertsons Companies, Inc For more information, please visit


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