EDIA ADVISORY: United Supermarkets partners with Mrs Baird’s to kickoff 10th annual Teachers on the Rise program

  • United Supermarkets partners with Mrs Baird’s to kickoff 10th annual Teachers on the Rise program

    LUBBOCK, Texas — For the 10th year, United Supermarkets and Mrs Baird’s will join forces to celebrate the beginning of the Teachers on the Rise program — an effort by the two companies to recognize local teachers nominated for their work by their students. A photo and interview opportunity will be held on Thursday, August 26 at Frenship ISD’s Heritage Middle School at 1:30 p.m.

    Over the years, thousands of nominations have poured in and dozens of teachers have been recognized for the hard work they put in for their students each day.

    Every month during the school year three teachers are recognized — one from an elementary school, one from a middle school/junior high and one from a high school. Each winning teacher will receive a $100 gift card from United Supermarkets and lunch for two to the Texas Tech Club. Each student who nominates a winning teacher will also win a $50 American Express gift card from Mrs Baird’s.

    To add extra incentive for students to get the nominations going, United Supermarkets and Mrs Baird’s have filled a bag full of back-to-school goodies that will be given to a random student who makes a nomination in the first month. Included in this gift bag will be a $50 American Express gift card for the student and Free Mrs Baird’s Bread For A Year for the student’s family!

    The entry website can be found here: www.MrsBTeacher.com.

    WHO:   Shane Sumrow, Mrs Baird’s

    Chelsey Campbell, Heritage Middle School principal, FISD

    Joey Marcades, United Supermarkets

    WHAT:  Teachers on the Rise Kick-off Photo/Interview Op

    WHEN:  Thursday, August 26 @ 1:30 p.m.

    WHERE: Heritage Middle School, 6110 73rd St., Lubbock, TX 79424

    MEDIA:  For photo/filming opportunities, interviews or more information, please contact:

About The United Family®

In its 105th year of operation, United Supermarkets, LLC – d.b.a. The United Family® – is a Texas-based grocery chain with stores in 54 communities in Texas and New Mexico. A self-distributing company with headquarters and distribution centers in Lubbock, The United Family currently operates 94 stores under five unique banners: United Supermarkets, Market Street, Amigos, Albertsons Market and United Express, along with ancillary operations R.C. Taylor, Praters and Llano Logistics. The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Albertson’s LLC. For more information, please visit www.theunitedfamily.com.

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